With this new update you can expect to see several new changes to the website. In addition to the usual updates, we have made changes that may impact your shopping experience. Lets talk about it.
Ebay products can now be viewed from the site. Clicking on products from the ebay shop will bring you to the ebay website. Keep in mind that the ebay shop is separate from the main shop so if you have items currently in your shopping basket, you will need to purchase them separately from any ebay goods.
New User Avatars have been added. We can now select classic pikachu, Ninetales, Poliwhirl, Golem, Snorlax, Mewtwo, Espeon, Tyranitar, Lugia, Lucario, Garbodor, Greninja, Aegislash, Steenee, and Palafin amongst 41 other pokemon options. Selecting a pokemon will change your avatar selection icon on the top and will appear anytime you make a comment on a blog entry or choose to rate a product. Rating products on the store helps with visibility so it is always appreciated.

Avatars will continue to be regularly added to the site and occasionally appear as member icon rewards. Due to a recent change in the numbering system, your pokemon avatar may have changed. Simply change it on your “My Account” page to resolve the issue.
We are discontinuing the Pokemon Trading Online Codes. We are thankful to everyone who enjoyed and bought products from the online shop.
We are always looking at ways to streamline your experiences, so if there is any improvements you would like to please post below.