if you have been around TCA Gaming for a while, you are probably aware of the membership discount system. For those who aren’t, by becoming a member of TCA Gaming on Youtube you will gain access to various awards including loyalty badges and custom emojis. To update your membership, you can join by going to the TCA Gaming’s Youtube Channel and clicking JOIN.
In addition to the perks listed above, members get specific discounts based on their level. Look for products that have the charmander, charmeleon, and/or charizard icons respectively to see what products apply. By finding the appropriate sales item and you’ll get the discount added to your account immediately
However there is one catch, in order to recognize your membership, you’ll need to add your Youtube Name in the system. You can add/change your username at the bottom of your “My Account Page” (just make sure your display name and email are filled in before you save changes). Once you have made the changes, your My account page should show the appropriate discount.
Updates can take anywhere from three to five business days to update upon initial Youtube Username update, if you have additional questions or concerns, you contact me at stephan@stephanchurch.com.
Currently discounts are handled manually so there will be a bit of a delay from the time you add your username/join as a member to when you see the discount. We are currently working on an automated system. However in the meantime feel free to contact me at stephan@stephanchurch.com if you have questions or need assistance.